On Sunday I tricked myself into believing that I was going to have a somewhat laid back week. On Sunday, I thought my most important appointment was getting my monthly haircut. Then Monday came around and my week seemed to fill itself up. When you’re off contract, this is a beautiful problem to have.
I taught four classes at Visceral, passed killed my written test at Dimo’s, and wrote my first blog about having a backup plan. However, if you follow my page on fbook you’ll already know that the most exciting part of this week is my cameo in Day of the Gypsy this weekend at the Harris Theatre for Music and Dance. I’ll be running a large red flag across the stage at the very top of the show and dressed in all black. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Chicago Tribune raved about my contribution to the show in the Sunday paper… Photos to come ;)
In all seriousness, today is exciting because I’ll be teaching my first classes at the GUS school. I love teaching at Visceral and it’s become my safe place to teach, but it’s nice to start branching out. This week I teach in different neighborhoods, next week I teach in different countries….that’s how it works, right?
So what are the goals for this week? Career is steady, Tupperware ha been purchased (I promise I almost have all the kitchenware I can dream of... almost), what else is there!? Oh yeah, a social life/interpersonal relationships! I’ve been so focused on establishing myself professionally and financially in Chicago I forgot to do something just for fun. Thus, I went out last night with my Dimo’s crew! I had a beer, a couple shots, and just a good night. Therefore, my goal for this week and for all the weeks after is to have a night out with some good people. What could be better than drinks with a side of good convo?!
What wild and crazy things are about to go down? Well…I’m so happy you asked! My Nutcracker debut should be one for the books (more info and pics to come) AND some special guests are heading to the windy city, just in time for snow. May mother nature have mercy on us all…