Two months ago, I packed up my car with everything I own and made the 12 hour drive from my moms house in Cranford, NJ to Chicago, IL. You really don't realize how crazy something like moving to a new city without a job or home is until two months after the fact... So what happened since then? So many wonderful/ unfortunate things.
- Landed a job with Visceral Dance Chicago. 60 days later and its still surreal.
- Slept on my friend, Cole's futon for a solid 46 days... probably one of the greatest gifts a friend has ever given me.
- Been working at a stellar Pizza joint in Wriggleyville called Dimos. If you've never served pizza to people at may/may not be better off....TBD
- Had my car booted and towed (separate occasions of course...). Luckily my brother Connor took the car off my hands this past weekend. #Blessed
- Went on tour with VDC to Kansas City.
- Found a house in Logan Square conveniently placed above a dentist office.
- Cried at the River North Dance Chicago show.
- FaceTime became the most used App on my phone. #ColemanClan #UADance #NumberFour #Technology
- Taught my first classes in Chicago, and stating to teach even more.
- And most recently, preformed at the Harris Theatre for Music and Dance with Visceral Dance Chicago. An experience I will always hold close to my heart.
I now have a week off from VDC and decided to spend it in a Starbucks reflecting on my time so far... Conclusion: This are great and coming together. Now I just have to get the Wifi, gas, and electric going in my apartment... could be useful.